पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं
We were to see the chapter on the usage of metals for aeroplanes in the previous note.But,because we had to discuss the speed of light calculation and other informations relating to the solar system from the RIG VEDA,we were not able to view the metallurgy chapter.Hence,we will start with it from this note.
India was a pioneer in mettalurgy.If the world wanted Zinc it had to only come to India once upon a time.
There is a furnace still in existance from the vedic period,in a place named zawar.Researchers have found the technique and have submitted reports.
Please go through this to know more :
Now we shall move onto the Vaimanika shastra :
There are 3 kinds of metals named somaka, soundaalika, and mourthwika. By mixing them, 16 kinds of heat-absorbing metals are produced.Metals which are light, and are suitable for producing aeroplanes are 16. They are heat absorbing, and should be used in the manufacture of aeroplanes.".
There are detailed and very vivid descriptions of metals, their properties,their names,the alloy making etc.These metals names are in sanskrit.But the properties correspond to modern day aluminium say scientist who have done research in the vaimanika shastra.
LOHASHUDHDHI ADHIKARANAM : The Chapter Of Purification of metals
Their purification is done by methods of shodhanadhikara.
The purification of Soundaala metal is like that of soma with regard to boiling in the cauldron, but the process of purification is with 6 acids, 7 oils, and 5 decoctions,Whose descriptions are given. We are not looking deep into these because they all are sanskrit names.Too much of it wil lcomplicate the note for the readers. If you would like to know more,Please drop your e mail id as a comment.
They have numbered the metals that are used.Also they have indicated the metal number and that it belongs a particular group number.Thus they have had great classification techniques for metals.
The ooshmapa metals are made up of three kinds.
The heat-proof metals are made out of the three, Souma, Soundaala, and Morthweeka mentioned in the previous chapter. It is said in "Loha Ratnaakara" that each of the three yields varieties of seed metals.
By mixing.
They mention of several different alloys and have described their properties.It reads the proportion in which each of them have to be mixed,the temperature specifications etc.I really wish we could decode all of this and some of my engineering studiying friends would come forward and try to build something out of the shastra.
The fifth vareity in the second group.
According to "Nirnayaadhikaara", the melting of the superior, medium, and inferior kinds of metals is to be done in 407 different kinds of crucibles. They are divided into 12 groups. For the melting of the root-metals the second group of crucibles is considered the best.
Next the shastra talks about the place where the metals can be melted and so the plane's body can be formed.
Athha Vyaasatikaadhikaranam: The Fire-place
Athha Kundas-Saptamay-Nava [ VAIMANIKA SHASTRA.SUTRA.18 ]
Then fire-place, number 9 in class 7
Having dealt with crucible in the last sootra, we now consider the fire-place.
Experts mention 532 varieties of vyaasatikaas or fire-places. Of them Koorma-vyaasatika, or tortoise-shaped fire-place is best suited for melting the seed-metals for the Vimaana
Kunda-kalpa or the art of furnace construction mentions 532 kinds of furnaces. They are divided into seven classes, each including 76 varieties. Furnace no. 9 in the 7th class, is best suited for melting the requisite metals of the vimaana, and its name is koorma-vyaasatikaa, or tortoise-shaped furnace..
Athha Bhastrikaadhikaranam: The Bellows
Syaad-bhastrikaashtame Shodashee [ VAIMANIKA SHASTRA.SUTRA.19 ]
The bellows should be number 16 in the 8th class.
There are descriptions for this also.Those who are interested in knowing,please let me know so that i can communicate to you.
The next subsequent chapters deal with the MIRRORS AND LENSES,ELECTRICITY,MACHINARY and then subsequently move onto the CONSTRUCTION.
Hope you wil lcontinue reading. Thanks for reading ! DO COMMENT :)