पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं
Succesful publish of the fifth part !! feeling happy and proud as an indian !! :)
As we have already seen that sanskrit paved way for western languages including english, and the striking similarity we saw between the words GRURUTHVAATH which meant GRAVITY, According to Dr.Dean borwn and his research every word is connected.
This could be a probable connection too.... In indian marriages, the tying of the sacred knot is not regarded as the most important event actually.It is the catching hold of the girl's hand by the boy and saying "may we be together for our whole life " is regarded as the most important event.This is also called, "PAANIGRAHANAM".the relation starts with the hand. So it was called as HASTHA BANDHAM (HASTHA - HAND , BANDHAM- RELATIONSHIP) this could have probably become HUSBAND !!!! So...Akshat's fact is extended to another word.... :)
With this interesting introduction..let us move onto the physics part.
Hastha - Hand ; Karma-Work ; Daara - Passive ; Vyakhyatham - Explained
When the hand holding the body falls freely along with the body it does passive work.
It implies that thre is no work done at 90 Degrees.
KANADA gives lots of examples of Passive work in sutras 5.1.12 - 5.1.16.Since these are examples of the same type We are not discussing it here.
YUGAPATH - The path ; Vishesha - particular ; Anyathve - Difference ; Hethu - Reason
When an arrow is shot , it has different kinetic energies at different points of its route.
Initially the force (nodana) applied to the arrow produces initial karma (kinetic energy) in the arrow. That energy produces a momentum in the arrow. It is because of this momentum that the arrow goes on going up. As the projectile rises, higher and higher samsakara becomes less and less.
And it is after this that it talks about gravity.This sutra we have already seen , but we will review it for better clarity since it is the extension of the above sutra.
and thus the body falls due to gravity.
This is such a modern way of analysing physics.This type of physics and its analyses was not in existance in europe before the 17th century A.D.
In Addition to this Book of Vaisheshika sutra, There was a rishi by namePRASHTAPATHA,who gave a commentary on this text of vaisheshika sutra,which is named as PADARTHA DHARMA SANGRA: [Nature of matter].
In these texts by prashtapatha, Wide range of physics from Generealphysics to Quantum physics have been handled.
Udhyothakara,Another Vedic Scholar has stated in his work by nameNyayavarthika, that a heavier body falls to ground with greater vega than a lighter body (falling from the same height). That means vega is a combined function of velocity and mass.
Prastapatha Also talks about Bhawana - Inertia and Sthithisthapaka - Elasticity.
Prashastapada analyses the velocity due to gravity in a freely falling body in quite modern way. He says that the motion of bodies falling from rest starts by gravity alone. This leads to a samsakara, in the same direction. As the force of gravity continues to operate, the further motion of the falling bodies is due to gravity as well as samsakara. Yet further, to this new velocity is added further velocity due to further action of gravity. Thus the velocity goes on increasing. The resultant motion is one but both the causes must be conceived as contributing to the resultant motion.
Five types of simple motion have been identified.
UTHKSHEPANA - Upward Throw
APAKSHEPANA - Dpwnward throw
AKUNCHANA - Attraction
PRASARANA - Repulsion
GAMANA - Motion
Further, it is stated that ,
Cause of translatory motions is new contact with a point in space then separation with that point in the next short interval of time and a new contact with the next point in space-field.
This gives us a picture of the mordern concept of dx/dt for velocity.
Thus Matter is defined by its capacity to gain momentum by application of force.
Let us look at some other conceptual terms that prashtapathaa talks about along with their english meanings and put them together to form a meaningful physics statement.
Karma - Energy
Kshanikathwam - Instantaneous
Murta Dravya Vrititwam - belonging to material substances
Sva karya samyoga virodhitwam -is done on doing work by itself
Swa parasharya amavetha karya arambakatwam - can initiate work on assosiation with anoother body
prathi niyatha jaathi yogithwam - is based on various types of motions
Dravya anarambhakathwam - cannot form material substances
Dig Vishaya karya arambhakathwam - causes motion in a specified direction.
With all these concepts told by prashtapatha in the above mentioned order, it can be concatenated to bring together the definition of vector.(look at the last concept....It says in a specified direction).
Further, Prashtapatha Mentioned different types of motions.
Gamana - Curvillenear motion or speed
Bhramana - rotatory motion
Spandana - harmonic / vibratory motion
He also talk about Angular momentum.He calls this concept as Avayavina: samskaraath.
Prashtapatha is also credited with the work on theory of relativity.This theory has been in existance in india for along period of time.Vedantha has been making use of this theory to the fullest.
Apeksha budhi is the term given for relativity.
Schools of vedantha have this thought on Relativity :
Time is something eternal, it is an eternal dimension of existence. But it is relative also and its perception is dependent on the conditions of the subject perceiving it. Many of the features of time are like that of space. It is adhara of events in the same way as space is adhara of objects. Time is anashrita (not dependant, not requiring others). On that account also it is very much like space. It is also suggested that in the very beginning of universe, it was a condensed form of time from which everything emerged.
Now that we are done with prashtapatha's commentary on Vaishehsika sutras also, We will move onto the physics of light in the next note and proceed further.
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