Monday, 14 November 2011

पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं - Ancient sciences

पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं 

Let me start with an intersting fact.We all have heard and chanted mantras and shlokas that talk about different gods and stuff.In many of the mantras, there exists inner and scientific meaning too.Here is an example that reveals the value of PI upto THIRTY TWOdecimal places.

If the consonants of the sankrit language are allocated numbers, 
ka-1 ; kha-2 ; Ga-3 ; Gha - 4 and so on so that 1-9 and then 0 are allocated and again repeated from 1. 

The values that it will take up are, 

ka, Ta, pa, ya 1; 
kha, Tha, pha, ra 2; 
ga, Da, ba, la 3; 
Gha, Dha, bha, va 4; 
gna, Na, ma, sha 5; 
ca, ta, Sha 6; 
cha, tha, sa 7; 
ja, da, ha 8; 
jha, dha 9; and 
gna, na 0. 

using this method, a sanskrit verse says this : 

gopi bhagya madhuvrata 
3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 

srngiso dadhi sandhiga 
5 35 8 9 7 9 3 

khala jivita khatava 
2 3 84 6 2 6 4 

gala hala rasandara 
3 3 8 3 2 7 9 2 

PI/10 is 0.31415926535897932384626433832792.

Could this merely be coincidence ? or a way to remember the value of PI ??  

First we shall make sure that we understand that we have not even seen 50 sutras of the 373 Sutras that exist in theVAISHESHIKA SUTRA.

Now we shall move onto some proved science of our Forefathers.We will actually be seeing Chemistry this post, But we wil ltouch upon the physics of light at last.So let the title of the post remain same and let this continue as part 6 

The vaishehsika sutra about atom states that ; 

That which is existent and has no cause (i.e., an atom) is eternal. It is not perceived but is
inferred from its effect. [ VAISHESHIKA SUTRA 4.1.1-5] 

They also had a classification system of Atoms : 

These atoms are characterized by their characteristic mass, basic molecular structure such as dyad, triad, etc, fluidity (or it’s opposite), viscosity (or its opposite),velocity (or quantity of impressed motion- Vega) and other characteristic potential color,taste, smell or touch not produced by chemical operation.

The Vaisheshika sutra talks anout ATOMIC COMBINATIONS as well. 

KANADA states three possiblities so that two atoms can combine. 

1) Contact produced due to the motion of one and not the other 
2) Both are in motion 
3)Contact by actual contact

Kanada says the atoms conjoin as a result of their inherent tendency, but different atoms combine in different patterns. Some in pairs, others in triads, tetrads and so on, which may happen in two different ways.

Atoms combine =  basic unit /molecule with two, three or n number of units and not two three or n number of dyads where n ≥ 2 

Basic unit of n atoms ≡ 1 atom + 1 atom… n atoms where n≥1.

Prashtapadha, States that every atom has the vibratory motion calledPARISPANDHA.This vibratory motion is the root cause of all the visible and invisible action and operation involving matter.

Now we shall move into the Physics of light.

Light is defined by the school of nyaya and vaishehsika as constituting indefinitely small particles.These particles are neither called anu or paramanu as atoms or sub atomic particles were reffered to earlier.

Thus it makes it clear that they were refering to some thing different that light constituted of (Photons ?! ).

They further mention that these particles radiate themselves i nall directions rectileniarly (rectinear propogation of light ) with conical dispersion and with inconceivable velocity.

These are very ld concepts of light and may be bizzare, but as i mentioned earlier , a couple of centuries after these concepts, Rishi Bharathwaja has Given the construction and working of a SPECTROMETER and it is named as the DWANTHA PRAMAPAKA YANTRA. So most advance physics of light has existed and these were the stepping stones for it.I require every reader to look at these concepts as primitives of their age.

Correct me if i am wrong on the physics part of it. 

Hope you will continue reading when i start writing the next note on either the AERONOTICS. 

Thank you :) DO COMMENT :) 

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