Saturday, 10 December 2011

पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं - AERONAUTICS !! PART-6 !!

पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं 

We shall start our further discussions on aeronautics after an understanding of some of the scientific concepts of ARyabhatta in his text of Aryabhateeyam.

Aryabhatta, bases all his suthras on a number system.One such number system ( something like an encryption system..) is what we have already seen ( Katapayathi sankhya) in earlier posts. 

We will have to understand this number system (aryabhateeya sankhya ) to understand his calculations.

in this number system... Sanskrit alphabets are numbered in the following manner. 

Ka- 1   Kha - 2     Ga - 3    Gha-4    Nga-5
Cha-6  Chcha-7 ....... So on and so forth with continuous numbering upto Ma-25 

Ya-30   Ra-40    La-50   Va-60   Sa-70  Sha-80 

U - 10,000

Aryabhatta says in one of his suthras " Bha upa kramo Grahaansha:

Upa Kramo Grahamsha: makes sense as to the degree of tilting of earth....but Bha has no meaning per say.If we refer the numbering system, Bha is of the number 24.

Thus, the tilting of earth is 24 degrees according to aryabhatta ,while the mordern calculation is 23.5 degrees. 

Now , we shall move onto our Vaimanika Shastra.

Dharpanaathikaranam : The Chapter of Mirrors ! 

Dharpanaascha [ Suthra 20.Vaimanika Shastra ] 

The Mirrors ! 

This chapter Deals with Seven Different types of mirrors to be used in aeronautics.

  • VishwaKriya Darpanam 
  • ShakthyaKArshana Darpanam 
  • Vyroopya Darpanam 
  • Kuntinee Darpanam 
  • Guhaagarbha Darpanam 
  • Rowdree Darpanam 
1) Vishwakriya Darpanam : 

Vishwakriyaa darpana is to be fixed on a revolving stand near the pilot so that he could observe whatever is happening outside on all sides.Its construction is also detailedly explained, the silvering and all technical processes are described, but the problem lies in deciphering the meaning of the sanskrit words of the ingredients. 

2)ShakthyaKarshana Darpanam 

As the vimaana flies through the regions of the sky, three classes of destructive forces tend to overcome it. This mirror is capable of neutralising and overcoming their effects.
The wind, solar rays, and fire are known as trivargas. Each of the three has evil effects on the plane's pilot. Those evil forces this mirror will absorb and nullify.

3)Vyroopya Darpana 

When enemy planes with men intent on intercepting and destroying your vimaana attack you with all the means at their disposal, the viroopya-darpana will frighten them into retreat or render them unconscious and leave you free to destroy or rout them. The darpana, like a magician, will change the appearance of your vimaana into such frightening shapes that the attacker will be dismayed or paralysed. There are 27 such different shapes that are said to be possible. Sammohana-kriyaa-kaanda, or the work dealing with the methods causing insensibility, mentions 17 of them.

4)Kuntinee Darpanam 

We now consider the Kuntinee mirror. The wise say that the mirror by the glare of whose rays people's minds get deranged is Kuntinee mirror. Paraankusha says that in the region of the solar electric heat waves of the sky, seven streams of poisonous whirl-winds derange the mind. the Kuntinee mirror acts as a protection against that evil effect.

5) Pinjula Darpana 

The conflicting inter-action of the solar rays is called pinjulaa. It has deleterious effect on the black eye-balls of the pilots. The pinjulaa mirror, by intervening will prevent the eye-balls being blinded by the evil rays.
It is said in "Amsubodhinee", or the work on solar rays, "There are four directions, east, west, north and south, and four corner directions, south-east, south-west, north-east and north-west. The solar force of each direction has got its own intensity, owing to different fire-force, different seasonal force, the effect of the five winds, combined with the vaarunee or liquid force of the clouds, and the resulting tension gives rise to four evil forces, andha, andhakaara, pinjoosha, and taarapaa, whose glows, known as rakta, jaathara, taaraagra, and prabha, striking the eye-balls result in blindness of both eyes. 

6) Guha GArbaDarapanam 

The conflict between the electricity in the clouds, wind, and rays, generates forces harmful to pilots. The guhaa-garbha darpana, by attracting them and projecting them by electric force against enemy planes, renders the persons inside them physically disabled and incapable of figh.

7) Rowdree Darpana 

This mirror captures solar rays and concentrates them to a targetted enemy to liquify the same. 
By the mixing of roudree and solar rays an evil force called maarikaa is generated, and impelled by the solar electricity, it destroys the enemy planes."

We shall move onto the next Chapter, Electricity In our subsequent note !! 

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं - AERONAUTICS !! PART-5 !!

पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं 

We were to see the chapter on the usage of metals for aeroplanes in the previous note.But,because we had to discuss the speed of light calculation and other informations relating to the solar system from the RIG VEDA,we were not able to view the metallurgy chapter.Hence,we will start with it from this note. 

India was a pioneer in mettalurgy.If the world wanted Zinc it had to only come to India once upon a time.

There is a furnace still in existance from the vedic period,in a place named zawar.Researchers have found the technique and have submitted reports.
Please go through this to know more : 

Now we shall move onto the Vaimanika shastra : 


There are 3 kinds of metals named somaka, soundaalika, and mourthwika. By mixing them, 16 kinds of heat-absorbing metals are produced.Metals which are light, and are suitable for producing aeroplanes are 16. They are heat absorbing, and should be used in the manufacture of aeroplanes.".

There are detailed and very vivid descriptions of metals, their properties,their names,the alloy making etc.These metals names are in sanskrit.But the properties correspond to modern day aluminium say scientist who have done research in the vaimanika shastra. 

LOHASHUDHDHI ADHIKARANAM : The Chapter  Of Purification of metals 


Their purification is done by methods of shodhanadhikara. 
The purification of Soundaala metal is like that of soma with regard to boiling in the cauldron, but the process of purification is with 6 acids, 7 oils, and 5 decoctions,Whose descriptions are given. We are not looking deep into these because they all are sanskrit names.Too much of it wil lcomplicate the note for the readers. If you would like to know more,Please drop your e mail id as a comment. 

They have numbered the metals that are used.Also they have indicated the metal number and that it belongs a particular group number.Thus they have had great classification techniques for metals. 



The ooshmapa metals are made up of three kinds. 

The heat-proof metals are made out of the three, Souma, Soundaala, and Morthweeka mentioned in the previous chapter. It is said in "Loha Ratnaakara" that each of the three yields varieties of seed metals.

By mixing. 

They mention of several different alloys and have described their properties.It reads the proportion in which each of them have to be mixed,the temperature specifications etc.I really wish we could decode all of this and some of my engineering studiying friends would come forward and try to build something out of the shastra. 



The fifth vareity in the second group.

According to "Nirnayaadhikaara", the melting of the superior, medium, and inferior kinds of metals is to be done in 407 different kinds of crucibles. They are divided into 12 groups. For the melting of the root-metals the second group of crucibles is considered the best. 

Next the shastra talks about the place where the metals can be melted and so the plane's body can be formed.

Athha Vyaasatikaadhikaranam: The Fire-place 

Athha Kundas-Saptamay-Nava [ VAIMANIKA SHASTRA.SUTRA.18 ] 

Then fire-place, number 9 in class 7 

Having dealt with crucible in the last sootra, we now consider the fire-place.
Experts mention 532 varieties of vyaasatikaas or fire-places. Of them Koorma-vyaasatika, or tortoise-shaped fire-place is best suited for melting the seed-metals for the Vimaana

Kunda-kalpa or the art of furnace construction mentions 532 kinds of furnaces. They are divided into seven classes, each including 76 varieties. Furnace no. 9 in the 7th class, is best suited for melting the requisite metals of the vimaana, and its name is koorma-vyaasatikaa, or tortoise-shaped furnace..

Athha Bhastrikaadhikaranam: The Bellows 

Syaad-bhastrikaashtame Shodashee [ VAIMANIKA SHASTRA.SUTRA.19 ] 

The bellows should be number 16 in the 8th class.

There are descriptions for this also.Those who are interested in knowing,please let me know so that  i can communicate to you. 

The next subsequent chapters deal with the MIRRORS AND LENSES,ELECTRICITY,MACHINARY and then subsequently move onto the CONSTRUCTION. 

Hope you wil lcontinue reading. Thanks for reading ! DO COMMENT :) 

Friday, 18 November 2011

पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं - AERONATUICS PART-4 ! SPEED OF LIGHT !! SOLAR SYSTEM !!

पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं 

The successful publish of the 10th part of the notes ! It feels proud. 

We were to proceed with with the LOHADHIKARANAM ( the chapter of metal usage), but i thought, we shall pause it for now and resume from the next note. 

Since the vaimanika itself involves many calculations to come with regard to distance,speed,time etc. we will see those measures in this note.The vaimanika shastra also describes the universe, solar system and also about the air routes in the earth's atmosphere.So i thought, the basic understanding of all these with the help of the VEDAS themselves is essential to move onto the vaimanika shastra further.

Our ancestors, have calculated the speed of light.

The RIG VEDA says, 

taraNir vishvadarshato jyotishkrdasi surya |

vishvamaa bhaasirochanam || [ Rig veda 1.50] 

and the commentator also says , 

tatha ca smaryate yojananam. sahasre dve dve sate dve ca yojane
ekena nimishardhena kramaman.

We will see what these verses mean and take it as the base for the calculation of speed of light.

These verses literally mean, “It is remembered here that Sun (light) traverses 2,202 yojanas in half a nimisha” 

In the vedas, NIMISHA is a unit of time and YOJANA  is a unit of distance.


The moksha dharma parva of the mahabharatha, explains 

15 Nimisha = 1 Kastha

30 Kashta = 1 Kala

30.3 Kala = 1 Muhurta

30 Muhurtas = 1 Diva-Ratri (Day-Night)

We know Day-Night is 24 hours

So we get 24 hours = 30 x 30.3 x 30 x 15 nimisha

in other words 409050 nimisha

We know 1 hour = 60 x 60 = 3600 seconds

So 24 hours = 24 x 3600 seconds = 409050 nimisha

409050 nimesa = 86,400 seconds

1 nimesa = 0.2112 seconds 


The vishnu purana explains the calculation of YOJANA unit. 

10 ParamAnus = 1 Parasukshma

10 Parasúkshmas = 1 Trasarenu

10 Trasarenus = 1 Mahírajas

10 Mahírajas= 1 Balagra 

10 Bálágra = 1 Likhsha

10 Likhsha= 1 Yuka

1o Yukas = 1 Yavodara

10 Yavodaras = 1 Yava

10 Yava = 1 Angula (1.89 cm or approx 3/4 inch)

6 angula  = 1 Pada

2 Padas = 1 Vitasti (span)

2 Vitasti = 1 Hasta (cubit)

4 Hastas = a Dhanu,  Nárikás = 6 feet

2000 Dhanus = 1 Gavyuti = 12000 feet

4 Gavyutis = 1 Yojana = 9.09 miles 

{ NOTE: THESE CALCULATIONS OF THE YOJANA HAVE BEEN ADOPTED FROM THE RESEARCH OF P.V.VARTAK,a research scholar, there are proofs in his books explaining how it is 9.09 miles also } 


So now we can calculate what is the value of the speed of light in modern units based on the value given as 2202 yojanas in 1/2 nimesa

= 2202 x 9.09 miles per 0.1056 seconds

= 20016.18 miles per 0.1056 seconds

= 189547 miles per second !!

As per the modern science speed of light is 186000 miles per second !

As per the mordern calculation it is 18600 miles/second. 

I think that the calculation errors must have occured due to approximation. 

Now that again our mouths are wide open, we will move onto some concepts of the universe as explained by the oldest of the vedas, THE RIG VEDA.

All our text books that we have studied in our curriculum, says that the indians proposed a geocentric model of the solar system, and that galileo founf all this was wrong and proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system. 

IS THIS TRUE ? ? ? ? 

The very word JAGATH ( World ), means the moving one.Those who know hindi can recognise as well.. (JISKI GATHI HAI WOH JAGATH .. that which has movement),so we knew the earth was moving constantly, that is why we named it so. 

ahastA yad apadee vardhata kShAH shaceebhir vedyAnAm |
shuShNam pari pradakShiNid vishvAyave ni shishnathaH ||                 [ RIG VEDA 10.22.14 ] 

KSHA: - Earth ; AHASTHA- No hands ; APADEE- No legs ; VARHDATH- moves ahead; SHUSHNAN PARI - around the sun ; PRADAKSHINIT - around 

This earth is devoid of hands and legs, yet it 
moves ahead. All the objects over the earth also 
move with it. It moves around the sun. 

So does that mean the vedas proposed a geocentric model ????!!!  


 suShvANAsa indra stumasi tvA sasavAMsash ca tuvinRumNa vAjam |
A no bhara suvitaM yasya cAkan tmanA tanA sanuyAma tvotAH ||                  [ RIG VEDA 10.149.1 ] 

Savita = Sun ; Yantraih = through reins ;Prithiveem = Earth ;Aramnaat = Ties ;Dyaam Andahat = Other planets in sky as well ;Atoorte = Unbreakable ;Baddham = Holds ;Ashwam Iv Adhukshat = Like horses 

The sun has tied Earth and other planets through 
attraction and moves them around itself as if a 
trainer moves newly trained horses around itself 
holding their reins.


We have not even read a fraction of the vedas, but declare it as a myth !! what prejudices people carry?? WE ARE PROUD TO CALL OUR SCIENCE AS MYTH !!! THINK !!! 

panjcAre cakre parivartamAne tasminn A tasthur bhuvanAni vishvA |
tasya nAkShas tapyate bhooribhAraH sanAd eva na sheeryate sanAbhiH || [ RIG VEDA 1.164.13 ]

Sun moves ,it itself is moving. 
Earth and other bodies move around sun due to 
force of attraction, because sun is heavier than 

They say that we considered the sun and moon to be planets.Actually we did not.Sun was only decribed as the center of the solar system that held OTHER BODIES CALLED PLANETS.This clearly rules out the possiblity of sun being called as a planet. 

We also knew the source of moon light was sun.YES.....Read further... 

atrAha gor amanvata nAma tvaShTur apeecyam |
itthA candramaso gRuhe ||                                                      [ RIG VEDA1.84.16 ] 

The moving moon receives its light from the sun. 

somo vadhooyur abhavad ashvinAstAm ubhA varA |
 sooryAM yat patye shaMsanteem manasA savitAdadAt ||           [ RIG VEDA 10.85.9 ] 

Moon decided to marry. Day and Night attended  its wedding. And sun gifted his daughter “Sun  ray” to Moon

Did your parents tell you the myth of some snake catching hold of the sun or moon during the solar/lunar eclipse respectively ??? those are not prescribed by the vedas as well.

yat tvA soorya svarbhAnus tamasAvidhyad AsuraH |
akShetravid yathA mugdho bhuvanAny adeedhayuH ||              [ RIG VEDA 10.85.9 ] 

O Sun! When you are blocked by the one whom you gifted your own light (moon), then earth gets scared by sudden darkness.

Thanks for reading !! DO COMMENT !! PLEASE CONTINUE READING !!! 

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं - AERONAUTICS ! PART-3 !! FOOD TECHNOLOGY

पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं 

The last note and this might sound boring to some people,but the details of pilot's food and clothing gets over with this note. 
The next note will be more interesting.The next note will talk about The metals used for flights,engines,electricity,so on and so forth. 
So irequest you continue reading and realise the value of our traditional texts. 

Today we will move into the vastradhikaranam, the chapter on the dresses of pilots. 



The clothing should be different for different seasons. 

There are detailed processes described for protective and purified forms of vatras(dresses) for pilots.These procedures are also described in the "Pata samskaara ratnakara".

These are vivid and detailed in nature and hence we shall not discuss it here.If any one wants the same, please drop your e mail ID as a comment. 

The next adhikaranam is on the food of pilots.AAHAARAADHIKARANAM : 


 The food shall be consumed in accordance to the seasons. 


By such a diet plan, the ill effects ccaused in the body due to seasonal change can be warded off. 


And the food be consumed at specified times.The diet plan and the consumption times are detailedly described in the LALLA KARIKA, a text on dietics.


If food is not available,then vitamil pills can be used.

It is evident that they have technologies that produced vitamin pills that can be used as substitute for food as well. 
A grantha (text) by name paakasarvasva explains the procedure of making such pills as well. 

Or the essence of fruits,vegetables or roots. 
or the essence of grasses and herbs. 

An ancient text of food technology, by name ASHANA KALPA, on food technology  explains detailed procedures of how to extract essence and how to preserve them for further use.

 As i said earlier, With this concludes the chapters on pilot's dressing sense and food habits.We will move onto the chapters describing the construction of the aeroplanes. 

Thanks for reading. DO COMMENT :) 

Monday, 14 November 2011

पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं - Aeronautics ! Part - 2

पुरातन भारतीय विज्ञानं 

Now that we are through with the 32 secrets that are to be the essential knowledge of a pilot, we will move onto the aerial routes as described in the second chapter of the vaimanika shastra 

MAARGADHIKARANAM - Chapter of aerial routes 


The pilot should know five things 

The atmospheric layers are categorised into five spheres.
  • Rekhapaththa 
  • Mandala
  • Kakshya 
  • Shakthi 
  • Kendra 

There are well defined 519,800 air routes transversed by the planes.

further explanations are found in the valmiki ganitha (the mathematics of valmiki ) and texts of saunakha maharishi. 


And also the whirlpools. 

Bharathwaja says, Though whirlpools in the atmosphere are innmerable, the whirlpools (avartha) found in the regions of the vimaanas are 5 in number. 

Shakthyavartha whirlpool occurs in the Rekha sphere (this is charecterised with lots of energy ) 

In mandala paththa there occurs Vayu avartha ; the whirlpool of strong wind 

In Kakshya , there occurs Kiranavartha, the whirlpool of sun's rays, blocking the view of pilot 

In shakthi , there occurs, Shaithavartha whirlpool of cold air 

In kendra there occurs Gharshanavartha ; whirlpool caused by collision (??) 

The pilot has a necessity to know these five dangers and should know to steer clearly away from these. 


The parts are thirty one in number. 

Bharathwaja explains the thirty one basic parts of the aeroplane. 

The thirty one parts are also mentioned in the CHAYA PURUSHA SHASTRA.

We will not go into details now, it is also explained when it comes to the construction of we will only see an outlines view of the parts of the flights as desinges by there Amazing indians !! 

For further reference, Darpana means Mirror and yanthra means a machine or mechanism. 

1. Vishwakriyaadarpana or mirror of outside views.

2. Shaktyaakarshana or energy attracting mirror.

3. Parivesha mechanism above the hood of the Vimana.

4. Angopasamhaara yantra or folding up yantra at the 7th bindukeelaka.

5. Vistritakriyaa or opening out yantra location in the middle of the 11th section.

6. Vyroopya darpana and

7. Padmachakramukha at the shirobhaaga or crest of the Vimana.

8. The Kuntinee-shakti mechanism is to be in the neck of the Vimana.

9. Pushpinee and Pinjulaa Mirrors are to be in the right side of the centre.

10. At the front of the left side are to be located the Naalapanchaka or 5 pipes.

11. Guhaagarbha mirror yantra is to be in the front part of the stomach of the plane.

12. Thamoyantra at the north western side.

13. Pancha-vaataskandha-naala on the western centre.

14. Rowdree mirror.

15. Vaataskandha keelaka at the bottom centre.

16. Shaktisthaana at the front and right sides.

17. Shabda-kendra-mukha at the left side.

18. Vidyuddwaadashaka at the north-east side.

19. Praanakundala at the moola of the Vimana.

20. Shaktyudgama at the navel of the Vimana.

21. Vakraprasaarana at the side of Vimanaadhaara.

22. Shaktipanjara in the central portion.

23. Shirahkeelaka at the head of the Vimana.

24. Shabdaakarshaka yantra at the shoulder.

25. Pata-prasaarana at the bottom centre.

26. Dishaampati yantra at the left front.

27. Pattikaabhraka at the centre of the hood of the Vimana.

28. Solar power attractor at the top of the Vimana.

29. Apasmaara or poison gas at the sandhi-naala mukha or junction tube front.

30. Sthambhana yantra at the bottom.

31. Vyshwaanara-naala at the navel centre.

With these basics, Bharathwaja also goes onto explaining the clothing of pilots.the next adhikarana is VASTHRADHIKARANAM,from which we will see in the next note.